1. We talk We walk
C’mon I don’t mean we’re walking the bikes ‘cos ours break down… OK… Maybe occasionally
I mean we talk the talk & walk the walk. What are you doing on the weekend? We’re messaging & calling each other to discuss: Bikes we’ve seen…Bikes we want…Bikes we’re getting…Bikes we already have…bike bikes bikes bikes bikes. We live & breath Bikes!

2. We build a lotta
Most of our road bikes are custom. They’re restored or neo retro or just upgraded to within an inch of their lives. We style ‘em, we dial ‘em then we sell ‘em. They’re tight, quick, polished & they look great
We sell a lot of mountain bikes too. Many of the mountain bikes aren’t custom… But that doesn’t mean they’re not special! All mountain bikes are in fantastic condition. They’re fully checked & serviced. The suspension’s plush & the stanchions are smooth. Brakes are checked & bled where needed with no oil leaks anywhere. If you’re going to buy used…
3. We service bikes… & we’re good at itI’m not saying we’re perfect
Who is? We don’t always get it right… Who does?
But we do know bikes!
We treat them all as though we’re working on them to ride ourselves. The good… The bad… & the ugly. Some people ride $50 steel rust buckets that way half a ton & are a little past their prime. Doesn’t mean they can’t run like a well oiled machine! We pride ourselves on getting all bikes up to speed

4. We do things differently
We strip & ultrasonically clean parts, we polish & restore. We make things shine! That’s not all we use the ultrasonic cleaners for. We have our own mixture of wax/teflon that we heat & melt in an ultrasonic cleaner. We then submerge chains in them allowing the vibration to force the mixture into the links. Once the chains are hung & cooled we remove excess wax & fit them to our bikes. N The chains stay lubed & repel dust/dirt/water/mud/etc. For around 1000 kms. No oiling. They stay so clean you can grab the chain & rub your hand back & forth. Not a spec of anything will be on your hand afterwards… & that’s just a taste of some of the shenanigans we get up to
5. We don’t wear lycra (or use Chamy cream)
A lot of mechanics & bike shops treat low end bikes differently to high end bikes… Treat lycra riders differently from the rest of us. We treat all riders & all bikes like we’re going to go out riding your bike ourselves. We don’t want them rolling… we want them flying!
6. You can wear lycra! (We don’t judge)
If you do wear lycra & ride a high end
you’ve spent a lot of time &
getting to this point… Probably a night or 2 on the couch & a box or 2 of hidden receipts thrown into the bargain! We tune a lot of bikes for people who ride hard & ride far. We have quite a few people on our books that race too. If this is you… we speak your language. You’re gunna want your to purr
… & growl
when you ask it to… We’ll race tune your beast
7. We’re more like a club than a bike shop
We know most of our customers by name… Yes we all know sometimes Steve gets a little forgetful & can’t even remember what day it is… & our customers know us. Plenty of customers are now part of the furniture & come down just to hang out & test ride bikes. Quite a few are riding bikes we built for them
8. We have lots of little bits
From coloured bolts and cable ends to that part you need. If we don’t have it we might know where to get it
9. We give great advice!
Got a part you can’t remove? Trying to figure out what goes where? Will this work with that?
Where’s that bloody noise coming from???
We can help
10. Ben & Steve will make you look good
Ben & Steve don’t always look like the sharpest tools in the draw…Ben test riding bikes showing more butt crack that an obese tradie… Or Steve spending 15 minutes looking for a screwdriver…Or trying to work out if he’s supposed to be in today… Or if it’s actually a Sunday…
If that doesn’t brighten up your day a well oiled machine flying down the road will!